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Cynthia and Henry

Walnut Grove, CA, United States

Henry and I met in January 2017 at a surprise birthday party for a mutual friend. We saw each other serveral more times through mutual friends house parties but Henry was dating someone else at the time so it was always just a casual interaction. Eventually, in September 2017, some mutal friends invited Henry to a barbeque at the house I was living in at the time. Henry happened to be single at this point and we spent the entire night talking and exchanging stories. From then on, we were inseperable. In August 2019 on our yearly trip to Lake Tahoe, Henry proposed while we were on a friends boat in Emerald Bay. It was a magical moment that quickly snapped back to reality when I got a bloody nose as we were kissing! Eek!

As with most girls, I had a dream wedding already envisioned and by January 2020, it was practically planned and ready for our November 14, 2020 wedding date. Unfortunately, in March, COVID-19 hit and sent all our plans spiraling. Planning a wedding is not easy but planning a wedding in a pandemic is especially difficult. I planned, re-planned, and planned again and somehow managed to pull off the most amazing day I could have asked for. The one constant that I knew would help me make this day special was my Hayley Paige Lumi Dress. I always knew I wanted to be a Hayley Bride but I had no idea I would fall in love with the most magical princess dress I have ever seen. This dress made me feel like the most beautiful bride and it made every detail of our wedding come together perfectly!




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